Audition Self-Tape Coaching.
/“John Boylan not only gives an actor tools to break down any scene in any genre, he also excels at training an actor’s mental process, so that one is able to ask the most effective questions needed to continue growing professionally in this business. His one-on-one coaching and mentorship has helped me overcome many mental and emotional blocks, and I’ve watched my career change from guest appearances to series lead.”
“Coach and shoot.”
Working on Zoom this method of recording all the takes while I coach you has proven successful. We keep working, hone the scene, make adjustments and when you’re happy and I think the take is good we mark it.
You send it in and the audition’s done.
Set up as you would do a self-tape recording on that device. Have a second device to receive my Zoom link so I can watch your work and you can hear me.
If you want to book a session contact me so we can agree on a date and time. Please send over your photo and resume.
Fee is $142. per hour. Including HST and must be paid prior to the session. A receipt will be sent to you after the session.
Have a question? Contact John — 416 568 9072