Affecting bridge thoughts.
/Bridge thoughts are the thoughts between the lines.
They start at the end of a line and before the new line. They bridge the end to the beginning.
You first receive the impulse from something sent to you – the other actor’s line - and then your brain conjures your response, you breath enough to say those words and then speak your lines.
The thought provoked by that impulse and the new breath makes up the bridge thought. It’s in the space before you speak.
It’s a detailed part of your work.
You may or may not say in words what you are thinking at the beginning of your breath, or what you are thinking in the middle of it.
You may even switch completely by the time the words leave your mouth: deflecting it, altering it, colouring it, twisting it, clarifying it, sharpening it, putting consciousness to it.
Changing the actual words you speak during that breath and time.
The brain works at such speed - keep learning how yours works.
It’s useful to explore and experience these minute, specific and rapid thoughts that flavour your speech. In your preparation you can write down, say out loud, or visualize these unwritten thoughts.
It stimulates your imagination.
This bridge thought work is tied to both your inner monologue and subconscious work.