Outside the canyon.
/Don’t get trapped in a canyon as you work.
If the character you’re preparing is a nervous, giggling neophyte, then practising only the giggle can trap you.
Firstly, it limits exploring what it isn’t, which we know helps you to find what it is. Secondly, you may find yourself afraid to go outside the narrow limits of the giggle for fear of losing it.
See if when you’re preparing a role your work is in a confined space. The most productive place to be is with space around your work.
It’ll give you more confidence in your giggle.
There’s much more around the giggle than just the giggle, and to look at it, outside of it, under it, beside it, won’t lessen you being specific but, rather, it’ll help you find the specificity.
All of that extended work will always be in you. Then, if you get thrown in an audition, or on set this life outside the canyon you’ve experienced can help steady you.
Otherwise, what’s not the giggle can seem like a black void. Something you fear.
Better than the black void is explored territory - light. Your made light. New ground you’ve discovered.
There’s much to be had outside the canyon walls.